Monday, November 18, 2013

~35 Weeks~

Wow, we are getting closer and closer to finally meeting this little man! I keep thinking that the weeks have been going slower and slower for me, but glancing at my calendar lately is making me re-think that! I cannot believe we are half way through November already? Didn't I just move my calendar from October to November?? Thanksgiving is going to be here before we know it! Then we will be heading into December! Yikes!

We had a Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday and it went smoothly.  I didn't even gain 1 lb.!! Who knows why not. I can totally tell a huge difference in how I am carrying him and I know for sure he has grown since last week because every time he moves or stretches I have to catch my breath. :) He is so strong and likes to push on my sciatic nerve. :( Doc says he looks great, is measuring right on and is a little over 5 lbs. Thinks he is measuring 16-17 inches.

As for me, I am doing great. Other then the normal 3rd trimester aches and pains and tons of exhaustion (still) I feel good. I've been meaning to get into the chiropractor or to schedule a massage but finding the time for myself to actually go, is crazy hard. :)

Weight Gain: 20 lbs.

Symptoms:  Major Backache, Pelvic Pain, Braxton Hicks, Major Leg Cramps, Swollen Feet, Exhaustion, no sleep and I always feel like I could pee but it's just the pressure. :(

Cravings: Apples, Smoothies, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Zucchini, Salmon, Chicken. Ice Water, Pebble Ice and I even gave into a Smash Burger Mushroom and Swiss Burger and Fried Pickles!! o_o And don't feel guilty one bit!! :)

35 Weeks!

Their baby's the size of a coconut!
He's about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. From here on out, he won't get much longer, but he's plumping up. He's now about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth.

Their baby at 35 weeks!
  • Now, his hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched noises.
  • If it's a boy, his testes have probably fully descended.

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