Saturday, September 28, 2013

~28 Weeks~

Yippee! We are now in the 3rd Trimester!! How great it feels to finally be here! :) These last 12 weeks I know are not only going to fly by but he is going to grow so much more for his mommy & daddy. I keep telling myself to start Christmas shopping cause I am such a procrastinator with that... And I know the further I wait the more uncomfortable I will become but just the thought of Christmas shopping makes my heart race, my hands sweat & my stomach turn..o_o

This Monday we had our monthly appointment and of course C made the 3-4 hour drive down for it! :) I love her support throughout this entire process! She is a doll!

As for my appointment it went pretty well. I only gained 2 lbs!! Woohoo! Feeling proud of myself! :) So that makes it a total of 16 lbs.  Last week I had to take my Glucose test and it looks like everything looks amazing. Well, actually I was a little anemic, this little guy is taking all my Iron which I honestly already knew since I'm pretty exhausted lately. Even with taking Iron pills? :\  Someone told me to eat Liver, *gag*, so not happening! Here are some ideas I've found that I am going to try:
  • Red meat
  • Egg yolks
  • Dark, leafy greens (spinach, collards)
  • Dried fruit (prunes, raisins)
  • Iron-enriched cereals and grains (check the labels)
  • Mollusks (oysters, clams, scallops)
  • Turkey or chicken giblets (Umm. No Thanks!)
  • Beans, lentils, chick peas and soybeans
  • Liver (No Way!)
  • Artichokes
So, I've started eating a little more red meat, which I honestly am still struggling with since becoming pregnant. Egg yolks and everything else on here is do-able! :) Hoping with my supplements and these items above I will no longer be anemic. :)

Anyways, Dr. told me I was his new favorite patient!! I was his second but his first just delivered!! LOL Said I am as healthy as they come. Perfect. As for this little guy he is looking great doc said, but he is still measuring over 2 weeks ahead of schedule. So.. now we go in every 2 weeks from here on out? He didn't explain to us why, but I am thinking just to monitor the both of us, which I am all for it! :)

C is the cutest! When we were in the waiting room she wanted to touch the belly. I wish she wouldn't feel so awkward doing this. This is her baby and if anyone in this entire world has the approval to do so, it is her! :) When it was time for her to head back home I could tell that it was really hard for her.. She then explained that she feels like she is leaving a huge part of her, which I know she is, she trust me with all her heart with this little miracle and that makes me so grateful! She, has such a kind heart and I promise you C, he will be home with "S" family soon. Then you all can love on him and enjoy every waken minute with him. I know I am enjoying him so much. Me and him have this little bond.. :) and I love that and cherish that. And I also know that he has this connection with his parents and he cannot wait to meet them!

Weight Gain: 16 lbs!

Cravings: Fruits and Veggies still! Lots of Salads & Smoothies, Green Olives :\, Avocados, Eggs, Tortilla's, Soups, Juice, Ice Water.. Especially with pebble ice, man I love pebble ice, it's probably my weakness! LOL

Symptoms: Headaches, Heartburn, Backache, Pelvic Pressure, Braxton Hicks, Shortness of Breath and most of all I am tired all the time.. :( I just cannot seem to get good sleep lately.

28 Weeks!
I'm not sure what's wrong with my camera on my phone? I upgraded and this is what all my pics are looking like now? I've got to mess with it some more.

Their baby's the size of an eggplant!
Putting on layers of fat, their baby now weighs in around 2 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 14 to 14.8 inches.

Their baby at 28 weeks
  • He's starting to develop more fat, so his wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • His lungs are mature enough that he'd probably survive if he was born now. Wow!

Friday, September 20, 2013

~27 Weeks~

Another week down! He is really getting tight in there. It's amazing how strong you can feel them getting! B & C are going to have a little Rocky on their hands!! :) My co-workers laugh cause sometimes I will just be sitting there and my body jerks cause he's nailed me pretty good! Also, B & C, I really hope you are prepared for a good eater! I have never (in my 6 pregnancies) had an appetite like I do this time around? He still prefers cold juice over anything else, especially Apple Juice. :)

I cannot believe that in 13 weeks he will be enjoying his Mommy, Daddy and little sister "K"! How time is starting to move quickly! I know once October hits time will move even quicker, with all the Holidays to keep us busy and all! I am just praying I (Santa) can get all the Christmas shopping done before this little man makes his appearance! :)

Weight Gain: 14 lbs! (And counting!)

Cravings: All Fruits and All Veggies! Still loving smoothies and juice. I am loving bell peppers right now and anything with Onions? :\ Also, I got my kick for spicy foods again! I am still loving green olives but have been hiding the jar in the back of the fridge so it's not the first thing I notice when I open it! :)

Symptoms: Back Ache, Pelvic Pressure, Stomach Tightening, Braxton Hicks, Major Heartburn, Trouble Sleeping, Lots of bathroom breaks again.

27 Weeks!!

Their baby's the size of a rutabaga!
(I actually don't even know what a rutabaga is?) HaHa!
At 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, he's not just getting bigger, he's getting smarter.


Their baby at 27 weeks
  • He's practicing inhaling and exhaling with his rapidly developing lungs.
  • It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And his brain will keep on getting more complex.

Monday, September 16, 2013

~26 Weeks~

I haven't even begun the 3rd Trimester and exhaustion has taken a toll on me like a ton of bricks this week.. I seem to be waking up every morning at 4:30 am and I'm wide awake and cannot fall back to sleep. Mostly cause this little active boy seems to be the most active at that hour of the night lately?? Also, my late night snacks apparently aren't holding him over until morning anymore! I am waking up at that time and I am starving to death, it seems? Why can't I ever get full?? Lord knows I'm eating more then usual. :)

Milestones that I've hit are:
  • I have begun to waddle! Yep! You have it folks.. I'm a waddler! :) 
  • I can no longer shave or walk up the stairs without running out of breath! 
  • When I sneeze I better know it's coming, so I can speed cross my legs!
  • I have moved up 2 whole bra sizes and purchased 2 new bras. :\
  • My body temperature seems to be twice as hot as everyone else's
  • I can no longer stand for a long period of time. Pelvic Pressure.
  • No matter what I do to myself I just feel blah.. :(
  • Strangers now want to rub my belly, like a Buddha. :\
  • I'm so exhausted lately.. It doesn't matter what my house looks like. :\
  • My kids think he's big enough now! :) They said to stop cooking him! :)
Weight Gain: 14 lbs

Cravings: Apples, Peaches, Blueberries, Smoothies, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Salads, Green Olives, Fish, Almonds, Food.. :)

Symptoms: Exhaustion, Hungry all the time, Pelvic Pain, Unable to sleep. But I am loving how active he is! I could totally feel that he is starting to get cramped in there cause when he stretches it is starting to hurt. :)

This weeks pic is pretty Blah, seeing as I am having trouble sleeping. But you can see how much he is growing lately! :)

26 Weeks!

Their baby's the size of a head of lettuce!
He's still growing in the 13.6- to 14.8-inch and 1.5- to 2.5-pound range, and developing his senses, features and talents!

Their baby at 26 weeks
  • His eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open.
  • And his eyelashes are now grown, too.
  • He's getting his immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.
  • He's taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice.

Friday, September 6, 2013

~25 Weeks~

1 more week down! :) Yessirrree! 25 weeks we are! Again, this week has just flown by. Where is the time going? All I know is we are feeling really good lately! He seems to be as happy as can be! I believe he is going to be one strong little dude though! With every kick and every move he makes I feel as though he's playing tackle football! Maybe he knows the football season is here and is as excited as I am!! LOL :)

I can also say he must love to eat! It seems like whenever I "used" to eat it would put him right to sleep, but now it's as though he is excited to be fed! Ha Ha And tends to move for at least an hour afterwards. I can say that it is getting harder to maintain my diet and always watch what I eat lately. I used to always want Cafe Rio Salads or any kind of Salad for that matter but now they just don't fill me up the way they used to? If I eat a salad I am immediately starving again within a couple of hours, fruit no longer subsides my hunger either? I am finally welcoming meat back into my life, well red meat. I always ate chicken and fish. Anything Italian has been off this girls menu since the beginning, only because if I have heartburn as bad as I do right now, I couldn't imagine what I'd feel like after consuming pasta & sauce! Hmm.. I have this thing for Asian or Hawaiian flavors right now? Maybe it's the spiciness of them? Which I know.. makes no sense what so ever seeing as I want to stay away from Italian food? Nick made homemade orange chicken the other day and I honestly could've eaten the whole pan all by myself! It totally hit the spot!

I am however enjoying all the produce in my house from the Farmers market though!! Yumm... Nothing like veggies straight from being picked! Cucumbers, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, and even avocados have been on my daily menu.

Man, I must be pregnant! This whole post is on food! LOL, sorry everyone! I was a little discouraged last week after my Dr. made me feel guilty for putting on 14 lbs. in 25 weeks. :\ But I am happy (as well as Baby S) and feeling amazing. I feel as though I am eating a pretty good darn diet and taking my vitamins daily like I'm supposed too. I am not eating burgers and fries and drinking soda, so honestly I should just enjoy every minute of my cravings, whether it's a cucumber or a bowl of enchilada soup. :) I do have to admit that I haven't worked out like I should be, but only cause I work everyday until 5, get home at 5:30, make dinner, help kids with homework, get what house work done I have, get kids to games or practices, get kids home to shower, read with them and get them to bed. By this time it's 9 or 9:30, I take a seat on the couch and pass out by 10:00.. I should wake up at least 45 mins earlier but seeing as I fall asleep on the couch at 10, go to my bed at 10:30, lay there until midnight, fall asleep, wake up at 1:30 (potty break), fall back to sleep at 2:30, wake up at 4 (potty break), fall back to sleep at 4:30 and wake up at 6. I just don't get enough sleep and I'm a walking zombie in the mornings.. I have got to find some time for me and to take care of me? Where are you Alvina time??? :)

Anyways, on a positive note! We are both doing fine! We are as happy as can be!

Weight Gain: 14 lbs!

Cravings: Apples, Peaches, Plums, Honeydew, Strawberries, Cucumbers, Salads (Big ones!), honestly.. Just food in general! LOL :)

Symptoms: Heartburn, Pelvic pain, back pain, trouble sleeping.

25 Weeks!

Their baby's the size of a cauliflower!
During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.

Their baby at 25 weeks
  • He's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium -- he now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • He's growing more fat and more hair too!