Friday, October 25, 2013

~32 Weeks~

Exhaustion has no taken over my life.. I cannot get any good sleep lately. I am tired all the time. It doesn't help when I'm the first person Clients see when they walk into my office and I'm practically drooling at my desk! :)

But other then the usual aches and pains that come in the 3rd Trimester. I am feeling pretty good. I have to say I am so happy that I have more good days then bad. :) The only thing that I have to complain about is that I wish I could eat more then I am. I am hungry all the time but tend to get full so much quicker these days. I think it's cause he is taking up all the room in there, it's difficult to digest my food. :) And oh, boy is he active! He keeps me up all night long. It seems to be his favorite time of day. He is very particular about which side I'm lying on, etc. I still believe he is extremely long. I can literally feel him pushing on my hip bones, ouch!

Last week we had some photos done by an amazing and talented photographer here in Utah, she is amazing! So, excited to see the finished product. I will post the pics I do have and I will also add her website to share her talent. :)

I absolutely adore this picture! It is a Favorite for sure!

I am in love with these pictures! They may not show our faces, but I love that they are capturing & focusing on the Journey
and this little Miracle!

Weight Gain: 18 lbs.

Cravings: Almost anything edible! I have been craving a lot of red meat which is really out of my ordinary? Maybe cause my body is needing more Iron? :) I still have a thing for all Fruit, Green Olives, Pickles, String Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Wheat Thins, and Pebble Ice.

Symptoms: All the Above, J/K! :) What is to be expected in the 3rd Trimester. Back Ache, Pelvic Pain, Leg Cramps, Swollen Feet, Heart Burn, Braxton Hicks, Enlarged Breasts and I've noticed tiny spider veins on my legs. :( This makes me so extremely sad I could cry. I cannot keep my bladder empty these days either. I've decided that I am going to start getting massages at least every couple weeks until delivery, I deserve it. :) I think this will help with the back and pelvic pain and help with some anxiety and headaches I've been having lately.

Their baby's the size of a squash!
Still growing, their baby weighs in at about 3.5 to 4 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.

Their baby at 32 weeks!
  • He's getting ready for his descent -- he's likely in the head-down position now. (I know he for sure is head down, tons lower pressure.)
  • And he's probably feeling a even more cramped.

Friday, October 18, 2013

~31 Weeks~

Okay I have to post on time, this time! :)

This week has been a pretty good week, nice & short as well!! I took Monday off of work because there was just way too much to do in one day! I had a dentist appointment scheduled, Surrogacy Photo Shoot, Walk through with the hospital, and our 2 week Dr's Appt. Wooh.. It was a busy day!
B & C and little K were able to make the drive down! :) I met up with them at our photo shoot at 11 o'clock and it was a beautiful day!! We had an amazing & talented photographer. I cannot wait until we get the pics! I love that C wanted to do pictures of "Our Journey." I am going to cherish these moments for eternity..

After our photo shoot we were able to do a walk through with our hospital. I've had friends ask, "what for? You've had 6 kids, you know what to expect?" But honestly there is so much that is going to be different for us this time around. I want to make sure we have a Birth Plan. The staff needs to be aware of our situation. And I can only pray that they understand where C & I are both coming from. I may be the one in labor but I want them to include her in everything.

We've actually had some doctor appointments where they focus on me and not really acknowledge her. She is his Mommy, she will be loving him and taking care of him for all eternity. It makes me so sad. I wish she could experience everything that I am feeling.. pain, pressure, aches, heartburn and all.. :) (Love you C!) I know she would give anything in her power to be in my shoes. I just want both her & B to have the most amazing and positive experience they both could possibly have! I really felt awful on Monday because this little man was moving and I wanted her to experience that.. but the moment she felt him move it saddened me, it made me think of how lucky I am to experience this and how sad it probably made her. :( So.. this is why I want a birth plan.. so the hospital could include her and B in everything and they could all be aware that this is "their" baby, they have just as much say as if she was the one giving birth to this little miracle.

We were able to talk to the staff and are actually waiting for a call from the Head Nurse. Here are a few of our request I would like to have written in our Birth Plan: (I will post more later, once I've cleared them with B & C)

  1. My number one thing... I do not want the Dr. or nurses to lay this little handsome miracle on my chest when he is born. I want B to be able to cut the cord and I want the staff to hand him to his parents.. But please don't rush him away. I want to lay there and cherish this moment. I want to see the expressions on their face, I want to witness the miracle I helped create.
  2. If I have to have a c-section and they only allow one other person present, I would like it to be C.
  3. I would like B & C to have their own room after delivery. I want them to be able to bond with him and if they have family coming to visit they could do it w/out interruptions. And I also want to be able to recover in my own room.
  4. I would like B & C to both be provided with the wrist bands to identify who they are, Baby S's Parents.
  5. I want all medical decisions for Baby S to be made by his parents.
  6. I want all forms that have to be filled out by his parents to be filled out by B & C.
That's a start to our Birth Plan. There is a lot more that I haven't talked over with B & C yet. I just want everything to go so smoothly. :)

So after our walk through, B & C took me out to lunch (which I devoured) and Nick also met us there. It was so nice for the boys to catch up, and also nice C and I could sit down and have a nice conversation! We also decided to carpool together which was nice because we never seem to have enough time to just sit and visit. C brought up how I felt about induction, and this made me so happy! Not to be induced but just to have a plan. It overwhelms me to think they could miss the birth being so far away. So, we decided to ask the Dr. at our appointment. :)

Well wouldn't you know.. He was all for it! He doesn't like to induce any earlier then a week so that is good! He said Friday the 13th and C and I were like umm.. Maybe the 12th?? LOL Then I told him I'd like him to strip my membranes before having to use Pitocin and he was okay with that too! He said he could even strip them on the 11th to see if I go on my own and if not he will induce the next morning or the 13th. Nothing set in stone but it did take a whole week off from our due date! :) I guess we'll just wait and see how my body progresses these next few weeks!

Weight Gain: 16+2=18 lbs gained! And I'm actually okay with it!! :)

Cravings: Apples, Grapes, Bananas, Apple Juice, Ice, Cottage Cheese, Kneaders sandwiches and salads. Oh, and all kinds of soups!

Symptoms: Enormous amount of potty breaks! Heartburn, Pelvic Pressure, Backache, Swollen Feet, Trouble sleeping and Braxton Hicks.

31 Weeks!!

Their baby's the size of a pineapple!
He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 3.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big!

Their baby at 31 week!
  • He's going through major brain and nerve development.
  • Eye development, too. His irises now react to light!
  • All five of his senses are in working order.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

~30 Weeks~

Oh, my goodness!! I am so late on this post!! I wrote this last week I just haven't had time to edit it! :\

This next week we will be in single digits!! Next post it will be 9 weeks before Baby S makes his appearance! So exciting!!! It finally feels like it's getting close! I cannot believe we are almost half way through October already! If I tell people we have 10 weeks left they are like "Wow, that much longer, huh?" But if I tell people December they say, "Wow, that's coming up pretty quick!" I love that response so much better! :)

This week has been a lot better week for me. Last week I thought my emotions and feelings were going to get the better of me. This week there's been a little sensitivity but not near as bad as last week! :(

This last week seems to be revolved around lack of sleep. But hey, besides feeling exhausted all day long, at least I am feeling good.. He is so so so active! It's so neat that he can hear what is going on around him. I wish B & C were closer so that he could start getting familiar with their voices. Poor little guy hears the craziness of my kids all day long! o_o I noticed the other day he heard a car horn beep and he immediately jumped! It was pretty neat! Also, he has been having a ton of hiccups lately! It could be as many as 3x a day he gets them! I can tell we are getting closer by the way my body is starting to feel. I wonder if I will hit the nesting stage?? Because usually a pregnant female will start to clean and organize like crazy knowing that she will soon be bringing home a new bundle of joy? Will I get that too?? My nesting stage starts about 34 weeks so we will just have to wait and see! :)

Weight Gain: 16 lbs! (Until this Monday!)

Cravings: Ice!! I seriously could eat a 10 lb. bag of pebble ice a week, Apple Juice, All Fruit, mostly Apples & Bananas, Cottage Cheese, Green Olives, Pickles, and any kind of Soup.

Symptoms: Exhaustion, Pelvic Pressure, Back Pain, Heartburn, Crazy Dreams, Frequent Potty Breaks again, a little Braxton Hicks and I've noticed after work a little swelling in my feet. :(

30 Weeks! I keep trying to fit into my normal clothes, but I really shouldn't! :)


Their baby's the size of a cucumber!
Their 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 3- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow!!

Their baby at 30 weeks!
  • His skin is getting smoother.
  • But his brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • He's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Monday, October 7, 2013

~29 Weeks~

Here we are watching another week fly by! As for this little guy he is doing Amazing! He is so active all the time and usually catches me off guard and nails me somewhere good! :) He sure is a strong little guy. I sometimes stare down at my tummy and think.. "Could I possibly get any bigger? Was I this big with my kids? Is he going to be squished in there?" I have been looking for previous tummy pics with my kids and I honestly look the size I did at about 37 to 38 weeks.. Wowzers! This terrifies me for delivery. I think about it constantly, is he going to fit? Will I have to have my first C-Section? :\ I pray daily that I won't and that I will be able to have a smooth delivery and recovery. It's scary to think that we are only a couple of months away before this little guy makes his appearance! I know B & C cannot wait!! :)

As for me I am doing Okay. I wish I could say I was doing as well as I was last week! This last week has been rough for me. I have been so emotional and so sensitive to every little thing. I am usually chirpy and happy and I have been so gloomy and such a cry baby lately. I believe my hormones have now taken over my life -completely! :( I literally lose it for everything.. What is my problem? I was always more emotional with my pregnancies but this one is a whole knew challenge for me. Other then my emotions I have been feeling good. I am not sleeping good but that is to be expected! :) And it seems that every time I was up in the middle of the night so does he! Then it takes him some time to fall back to sleep. I honestly wish I could sleep half as good as I do when I fall asleep on the couch as I do in my own bed?? :\  Why is that??

Weight Gain: 16 lbs!

Cravings: Everything and Anything lately!!!

Symptoms: Back Pain, Pelvic Pain, Sleep Deprivation, Exhaustion, Crazy Dreams and an enormous amount of Braxton Hicks.

29 Weeks! And Growing Strong!

Their baby's the size of an acorn squash!
Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, he weighs about 3 to 3.8 pounds but he's still got a ways to go -- can you believe he'll triple in weight before birth?

Their baby at 29 weeks
  • He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccuping.